BIO bud complex | gemmotherapy | Good morale |
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This complex of buds helps to find good mood. It helps in particular to overcome periods of weakness and depression.

The powerful anti-stress fig tree, regulates the sphere of emotions, anxieties, various fears, obsessions. It allows a return to calm and balance.

Valerian strengthens the action of the fig tree, distancing thoughts and emotions and overcoming anxieties.

Blackcurrant is an adaptogen, it will go where you need it and it is a tonic, hence the importance of taking it in the morning.

As for Oak, vital tonic, brings peace of mind and roots.

Good Morale complex of buds

PriceFrom €21.50
  • Start with a low dosage and increase gradually until you get the desired effect. Three-week course, followed by a one-week stop. Possibility of doing several cures.

    • Adult: between 5 and 15 drops per day, dilute in a little water, if possible divided into two or three intakes away from meals;

    • Child: 1 drop / 10kg of weight in lukewarm water.

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