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plant buds

Warning: These properties, indications and modes of use are taken from books or websites of reference in gemmotherapy and phytotherapy. This information is given for informational purposes, it cannot replace medical information, nor engage my responsibility. If you are in doubt, please seek the advice of your doctor.

Thanking you for your understanding.

- A gastric cidité: Fig tree, walnut

- acne: Blackcurrant, walnut

- allergies: Blackcurrant, beech, hazelnut, rosemary

- tonsillitis: black alder, blackcurrant, rose hips

- anemia: Fig tree, hazelnut, rose hips

- antibacterial and antiviral : Blackcurrant, black alder

- antibiotic   : Black alder, walnut

- anti-inflammatory: Blackcurrant, vine, black alder, blueberry (digestive and urogenital)

- antioxidant: blackcurrant

- arteries: Hawthorn, olive tree

- arthritis / Osteoarthritis: Birch, blackcurrant, vine, black alder

- cardiac arrhythmia : Hawthorn, olive tree, lime tree

- asthma: Blackcurrant, hazelnut, rosemary, Black alder (allergic)

- autoimmunity (disease): vine

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- B ouffées heat: Huckleberry

- chronic bronchitis : Blackcurrant, hazelnut, black alder, rosehip, walnut

- stomach pains   : Fig tree, vine

- burn out: Blackcurrant, fig tree, lime tree

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- C bile alculs rosemary

- kidney stones: Blackcurrant, juniper, beech, blueberry (bladder)

_ cancer : see cancer field

_ caries : birch, fir

- cellulite: birch

- brain : Hawthorn, fig, olive, black alder

- emotional shock (same old) : Fig tree, beech

- cholesterol : Birch, olive, rosemary, lime

- heart: Hawthorn, olive tree

_ colitis: black alder, blackcurrant, fig tree, blueberry, lime tree, vine

- colopathy: lingonberry, blackcurrant, fig tree, juniper, lime tree, walnut

_ conjunctivitis: black alder, blackcurrant, blueberry

- constipation: Lingonberry, walnut

- chronic coryza: Blackcurrant, rose hips

- crohn: fig tree, rosemary

- growth: Birch, fir

- cystitis: Blackcurrant, Black alder, blueberry, walnut

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- D immune éfenses: Cranberries, blackcurrant, rosemary, grape, alder, walnut

- joint deformities: Blackcurrant, vine

- demineralization: Birch, fir, rose hips

_ teeth: birch, fir

- depression: Blackcurrant, fig tree, lime tree

_ diabetes: lingonberry, blueberry, olive, walnut

- medicated diarrhea: lingonberry, juniper, blueberry, walnut

digestive: Fig tree, juniper, blueberry, lime tree, vine, walnut

_ diuretic: birch, blackcurrant; general drainage: birch, blackcurrant, juniper (strong), sweet hazel

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- E dry czéma Cassis

oozing: blackcurrant, walnut

- epilepsy: Fig tree, lime tree

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- F atigue : Blackcurrant, rose hips

- sexual fatigue: sequoïa

_ fibroids: breasts, uterus: lingonberry, birch

rest of the body: lingonberry, birch, blackcurrant, fig tree, vine, redwood

- intestinal flora: walnut

- liver: Birch, blackcurrant, juniper, hazelnut, rosemary

- fractures: Fir

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- G astrites : Blackcurrant, fig tree, vine, lime tree, black alder, blueberry

- endocrine glands (excluding adrenals): blueberry, walnut

- glaucoma: Blueberry

_ drop: birch, blackcurrant, vine

_ flu: black alder + blackcurrant

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_ H retinal émorragies: blueberry

- hemorrhoids: Vine

- hiatus hernias: Fig tree

- herpes: Blackcurrant, rose hips

- hormones (hormonal action): lingonberry, blackcurrant, rosemary, blueberry

- hypertension: Hawthorn, olive tree

- hyperthyroidism: Fig tree

- hypotension: Hawthorn

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- I nfarctus : Hawthorn, olive tree, black alder

- inflammation of tendons and ligaments: vine, blackcurrant

- insomnia, sleep disorders: Hawthorn, fig tree, lime tree

- urinary tract infections: (bladder stones, cystitis, etc.) blueberry, blackcurrant, walnut

_ intestines: lingonberry, fig tree, blueberry, rosemary, vine, walnut

_ irritability: blackcurrant, fig tree

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- J Ouvence : Lingonberry, hawthorn, olive tree, vine

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_ K ystes : lingonberry, vine

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- M emory : Hawthorn, olive tree, black alder

- menopause: Lingonberry

- metastases: Blackcurrant, vine

- bone metastases: Blackcurrant, pine, vine

- migraines: Fig tree, black alder and lime (nervous), juniper and rosemary (liver)

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_ N ervosité: fig, lime

_ optic neuritis: blueberry

_ nodules: vine

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- edema legs hazel, chestnut

- bone: Fir

- osteoporosis: lingonberry, birch, blackcurrant, fir, redwood

- ear infections: Blackcurrant, black alder, rose hips

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- P anchors : Birch, olive, walnut

- skin: Blackcurrant

- adolescent polyarthritis: Blackcurrant, fig tree, vine

rheumatoid: Blackcurrant

_ polyps: vine

- lungs: Beech, hazelnut trees

- prostate: lingonberry, sequoia

- psoriasis: Blackcurrant

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- R achitism : Birch, fir

- spleen: Birch, juniper, olive, walnut

- rectocolitis: Fig tree, vine

- gastric reflux: Fig tree, lime tree

- painful and / or irregular periods: grapevine

- kidneys: lingonberry, birch, juniper, beech

- remineralization: Fir, rose hips

_ retina: blueberry

- rhinitis: Blackcurrant, black alder, rose hips

- rheumatism, arthritis, arthritis, gout: Birch, blackcurrant, grapevine, black alder

- hay fever: Blackcurrant

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- Unusual S : Blackcurrant, rose hips

- drowsiness: Blackcurrant, rosemary

- stress: Fig tree, olive tree, lime tree

- overwork: Blackcurrant, fig tree, lime tree

- adrenals: Blackcurrant, rosemary, blueberry

- cardiovascular system: Hawthorn

- digestive system: lingonberry, fig tree, juniper, lime tree, vine

- nervous system: fig tree, rosemary, lime tree

- osteo-articular system: Blackcurrant, fir, vine

- respiratory system: Hazel, rosemary

- lymphatic system: chestnut

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- T achycardia : Hawthorn, olive, lime

- carcinogenic ground: Blackcurrant, fig tree, juniper, beech, rosemary, vine

- toc: Fig tree, lime tree

- head trauma: Fig tree for resorption of intracranial hematoma, headache,

dizziness, empty head, asthenia)

- memory problems: black alder

- thyroid disorders: rosemary (regulator)

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_ U lcers stomach : vine, fig tree + glutinous alder

- urticaria: Blackcurrant, black alder

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- V errues : Fig tree, vine

- gall bladder: Juniper, rosemary

- bladder: Vine

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- Y them : (internal and external eye problems) blueberry

Index based

plant buds

Warning: These properties, indications and modes of use are taken from books or websites of reference in gemmotherapy and phytotherapy. This information is given for informational purposes, it cannot replace medical information, nor engage my responsibility. If you are in doubt, please seek the advice of your doctor.

Thanking you for your understanding.

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AIRELLE : intestines, diarrhea, constipation, immune defenses, menopause, fibroids (not recommended for people having or having had hormone-dependent cancer and for pregnant women);

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HAWTHORN : heart (voltage regulator), brain (promotes cerebral circulation) and restful sleep;

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ALDER : memory and natural antibiotic;

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BIRCH : gentle drainer, joints, general regenerator, stimulation of liver, spleen, pancreas, prepares the ground for other remedies;

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BLACKCURRANT : toning, euphoric, powerful general drainer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant;

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CHESTNUT : lymphatic and venous circulation and lower body eczema;

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EGLANTIER : ENT problems in children, immune defenses, deficient areas, osteoarthritis;

FIG TREE : nerves (stress, depression, nervousness…), digestive system, polyarthritis, head trauma, lyme disease;

Juniper : liver (draining), gall bladder, kidneys, not recommended for kidney problems and in pregnant women;

BEECH : regenerating and energizing the kidneys, repeated emotional shocks;

BLUEBERRY : eyes, sight (humans and animals), mild conditioner, mild drainer, diabetes;

HAZELNUT : lungs, respiratory problems (humans and animals), liver, anemia of digestive origin and ulcers (varicose and necrotic);

WALNUT : intestinal flora, immune defenses, pancreas, diabetes and skin problems;

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OLIVE TREE : hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, youth, calming and soothing;

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ROSEMARY : vitalizing, euphoric, major regenerator of the liver, dysregulation of the thyroid, stimulating immune defenses and major functions of the organism, not recommended for pregnant women;

FIR : osteo-articular regenerator and regulator of phosphocalcic balance (caries, fractures, osteoporosis, etc.)

SEQUOÏA : sexual fatigue, stimulation of the production of spermatozoa, fibroids and osteoporosis.

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TILLEUL : stress, nervousness, insomnia and OCD

VINE : joints, intestinal and urogenital inflammation, inflammation of tendons and ligaments

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