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Complexe de bourgeons pour les jambes légères gemmothérapie chafia boutique bio

Light legs - bud complex

PriceFrom €21.50

Relieves heavy and swollen legs, tones the vein wall, stimulates the lymphatic system.

- Le Chestnut acts mainly as a drainer of the lymphatic system, which makes it possible to fight against swollen feet and legs and to eliminate the feeling of heaviness.

-theChestnutfacilitates return circulation to the legs and pelvis.

- Le Mountain ash  decongests heavy legs, acts on them hands and them  cold feet, while toning the vein wall.

- TheVine has an action on the circulatory system.

  • Ingredients :

    Ingredients: Alcohol, Water, Agave Syrup, Chestnut, Horse Chestnut, Sorbier and Vine Buds.

  • Precautions:

    Please note: The properties, indications and dosages of plants are taken from the works listed in the bibliography. They cannot replace a consultation with a doctor or a phytotherapist who will be able to advise you in the choice and the dosage adapted to your person.

  • usage tips :

    5 to 15 drops per day, pure (keep 20 seconds in the mouth under the tongue) or diluted in a little water.

    Start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you get the desired effect.

  • Place of production :

    Montauban sur l'Ouvèze, France, with local plants.

  • capacities:

    30ml and 50ml.

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