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flore de ferments probiotiques de la boutique bio Chafia

Flora of ferments - probiotics


Acts on the immune system and restores good intestinal function.

The four strains (fermentation flora) proposed have the peculiarities of resisting gastric acidity and bile salts, of exhibiting very good adhesion to the intestinal mucosa, and excellent conservation (preferably in the refrigerator).

These ferments belong to the endogenous intestinal flora.

Selenium contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

A capsule contains 10 billions revivable ferments.

Only 2 left in stock
  • usage tips :

    1 capsule per day at the start of a meal, i.e. a treatment over two months.

  • Precautions:

    Store away from heat and humidity, preferably in the refrigerator. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Cannot replace a varied diet. Favor a healthy lifestyle.

  • Ingredients:

    Strains of ferments on potato starch (400mgrs), lactobacillus paracasei lafti L26, lactobacillus casei R0215, lactobacillus helveticus R0052, bifidobacterium bifidum R0071 and anti-caking agent: acacia gum, shell: fish skin gelatin, yeast enriched.

    Traces of soya and dairy products.

    Daily intake of 10 billion revivable ferments.

  • Capacity:

    60 capsules.

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