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huile essentielle de curcuma bio chafia boutique bio en soins et santé

Organic turmeric essential oil


- Facilitates digestion, reduces bloating,

- Antiparasitic, vermifuge, antifungal and antibacterial,

- For mature skin, wrinkles and fine lines dull complexion and tired skin.

- Psycho-emotional balance and self-confidence.

Only 2 left in stock
  • Place of production :

    In 2006, Patrice Belin settled in Cambodia in the province of Battambang located in the North East. This region is known worldwide for its jasmine rice (phka malis), but also for its land rich in agriculture.

    Passionate about flora, and the strength of encounters with Cambodian farmers, he realized his dream of distilling essential oils.

    Its first achievement will be in collaboration with the Franco Khmer association "Vivre de sa Terre" in Battambang, whose main purpose is to train future farmers in the practice of permaculture. This led to the creation of a still and the development  of Kampot pepper essential oils (AOC since 2010).

    In 2020, the SKOPA association, (Samlot Khmer Organic Pepper Association) is getting closer to his project and supports him by providing him with his raw material in organic pepper.

  • Precautions:

    Please note The properties, indications and dosages of the plants are taken from the works listed in the bibliography. They cannot replace a consultation with a doctor or phytotherapist who will be able to advise you on the choice and dosage suited to you.

    - Avoid in pregnant or breastfeeding women, epileptic subjects and children under 6 years old.

    - Antiestrogenic effect to take into account, particularly in the event of hormonal treatment.

    - Avoid over long periods or in high doses.

  • Capacity:


  • Ingredients :

    Turmeric longa, 100% pure and natural.

university studies of chafia coaching in psychology



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