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Huile essentielle de menthe poivrée bio chafia boutique bio en soins et santé

Organic peppermint essential oil


- Nausea, motion sickness, dizziness,

- Poor digestion,

- Problems of the ENT sphere,

- Skin problems,

- Emotional shocks,

- Flavor your desserts.


Only 1 left in stock
  • Precautions:

    Warning The properties  indications and dosages of plants are taken from the works listed in the bibliography. They cannot replace a consultation with a doctor or a phytotherapist who will be able to advise you in the choice and the dosage adapted to your person.

    - Forbidden to pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with epilepsy, children under 6 and the elderly.

    - Never in the bath.

    - in diffusion, dilute to 15% maximum.

    - Stimulating effect on ovarian function, not recommended in cases of estrogen-dependent pathology.

  • usage tips :

    - Headache, migraine: a drop of peppermint EO to massage on the temples (not too close to the eyes).

    - Nausea, motion sickness: 2 drops of peppermint EO on a handkerchief, to smell as needed.

    - Digestion, bad breath: 1 drop of peppermint EO on a sugar.

  • Place of production :

    Montauban sur l'Ouveze, France.

  • capacity:


  • Ingredients :

    mentha x piperata organic, 100% pure and natural.

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