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ROSEMARY: Liver, digestion and immune system

PriceFrom €17.50

Liver, digestion and immune system:

Known since ancient Egypt for its antioxidant properties, and as a brain tonic.

Digestive system


-Stimulates appetite and digestion by increasing bile secretion and stimulating the gallbladder.

-Stimulates the elimination of toxins, helps digestion of lipids.

Circulatory system

-Stimulates the circulation of blood to the head

-Reduces muscle tension and inflammation (Migraines and headaches)

-Stimulates general and peripheral circulation (used for varicose veins, frostbite, arteriosclerosis.

Psycho-emotional system

-Excellent brain tonic, improves concentration and memory.

-Calm anxiety, ward off depression. Relieves exhaustion and insomnia.

Immune system

Stimulates the immune defenses and the main functions of the organism

-Anti-inflammatory, relieves arthritis and gout.

Urinary system

-Diuretic, strengthens the elimination of waste.

Reproductive system

-Decreases menstrual bleeding, relieves dysmenorrhea

Regulates hormonal functions like the thyroid.

  • Usually recommended dosage:

    Start with a low dosage and increase gradually until you get the desired effect. Three-week course, followed by a one-week stop. Possibility of doing several cures.

    • Adult: between 5 and 15 drops per day, diluted in a little water, if possible divided into two or three intakes away from meals;

    • Child: 1 drop / 10kg of weight in lukewarm water;

    • Pregnant woman: not recommended.

    • Animal: 1 to 2 drops / day in lukewarm water.

  • Ingredients

    Rosemary buds, algave syrup, alcohol (wheat), water.

  • Production

    Montauban sur l'Ouvèze (France), organic production made with local plants.

  • capacities

    30ml and 50ml

  • Precaution

    This information is given for informational purposes, it cannot replace medical information, nor engage my responsibility. If you are in doubt, please seek the advice of your doctor.

    Thanking you for your understanding.

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