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To summarize,

the coaching that I practice offers the possibility of acting on three main axes:

the kindness of


  • Listen

  • Analysis

  • Understanding of needs

  • Help in developing an action plan and taking action

  • Advice if necessary: business creation, learning techniques, tools, ...

From :

40 euros

workshop on communication


  • Analyse of needs

  • Search for suitable tools

  • Project proposal via prezi or mind map

  • Putting these participatory workshops into practice

  • Animation

From :

to be determined according to your needs

dyslexic disorders


  • Listening to needs

  • Analysis of the appearance of symptoms: environment, living conditions, behavior, etc.

  • Determination of objectives and support.

From :

40 euros

-  THEcoachingcan be usedin parallel to a job of therapy but it cannot replace it. The two approaches can be complementary

- Plan approximately 5 to 10 sessions, depending on your needs, which cannot be spaced more than 2 weeks apart, the ideal being one session per week, over approximately 1 to 2 months.

- For therapy sessions, the duration can vary over time according to your needs.

  - Therefirst session, who isfree, is made forbuild OURrelationship Anddefine Aobjective ofwork. Subsequently, the sessions last on average one hour, at a cost of 55 euros or 45 euros for students and RSA beneficiaries. Possibility of staggering payments. There is a supplement of 5 euros for travel costs in Poitiers, then see in an area of approximately 20 kilometers.


  - The session can last an additional half hour, to which 5 euros will have to be added to the base price.

  - The location must be agreed together.

Charter of ethics:

- The coach followed a professional training which allowed him tospecialize in the field ofcoaching.

His skills to exercise professionally werevalidated by the organization or trainerwho provided this training.

At the request of its customers, it provides them with clear information on the nature of his training and the different qualifications obtained.

- The coach is required to professional secret.

- It is also important to know that as a coach professional, I have asupervisor who accompanies me in my work, Mr Melcus Robert.

- The coach has no obligation to achieve results.

- Refusal of a mission: The coach has the right to refuse a mission if it does not seem to him to conform to his ethics, hashis competences or to the interest of the person or organization. He then directs the customer towards other solutions. 

Latest training completed:

- Traumatic memory, hosted by Professor Boris Cyrulnic (01/19/2021);

- Depression, led by Dr. 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤, Psychiatrist, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH Université Paris-Est Créteil).(09/16/2022 )

- Giftedness between myth and reality, by clinical psychologist Mr Debroux Pierre (12/2022).

- Plantar reflexology and seated Ayurvedic head massage (2023).

- Love, couple and relationships through non-violent communication by Thomas D'Ansembourg (2023)

image of a woman meditating, alone. A text on what coaching is is written there.
university studies of chafia coaching in psychology



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